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I’m an independent, not connected to any advertiser or advertising body. I set up ADDS simply because I view advertising as content in its own right, and wanted to create a space where users can freely go and have their say on advertising – as opposed to ads always being attached to other content that users want to interact with without interruption. Both as a user and as a journalist whose job has traditionally depended on the now-defunct advertiser/publisher model, I find advertising interesting, not least for the way it permeates and reflects popular culture. It also has the potential to create real, positive change, but advertising as an industry is facing a huge public trust problem. ADDS opens up a new world of insights which affect the bottom line of a US$600-billion global industry.

If you would like to be part of the ADDS story, please contact me direct on +44 (0)749 520 2405 or at

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